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ARRA club rules

  1. Members should make every effort to support events organized by the club, by lending their support on the day. These events contribute significantly to club finances and help to reduce the levels subscriptions paid by members.
  2. It is the responsibility of the every club member to keep the clubroom clean and tidy. All cups, paper etc. are to be placed in the bins provided. Should the general condition of the room or track fall below standard, the committee reserves the right to cancel racing on any club night, without warning, in order to restore the club room to an acceptable standard.
  3. Members shall marshal the designated corner immediately after racing, except in the event of racing in the next heat, or with permission of the race controller.
  4. Adult members who attend regularly, and contribute to the running and maintenance of the club, shall be eligible to hold a clubroom key and have access to the facilities outside of normal club meetings. Electricity to be paid for in the winter months (£1 minimum) due to the high electricity used by the heaters.
  5. Cars shall conform to BSCRA rules (no formal scrutineering will take place, it is the members responsibility to conform to these rules). Cars shall have a minimum of 0.20 thou. ground clearance, cars failing to meet this standard will be excluded from racing.
  6. Cars shall be presented to a high standard. Bodies shall be realistically painted, have a painted interior, and carry a minimum of two numbers. Badly damaged bodies shall be replaced as soon as possible. The committee will scrutineer this rule and a warning system will be enforced. One warning will be noted in a book, after which cars will not be eligible for racing.
  7. Bodies eligible for racing are any scale body of the appropriate race class, 1/32nd production will be a free choice of body type, 1/24th production will be group C. Air control bodies are not allowed.
  8. Drivers wishing to practice should arrive as soon as possible on race night. Adult members may wish to organize a separate practice evening (see rule 4). Practice will discontinue at 2000hrs and racing shall commence. Members arriving after this time may be slotted into heats at the discretion of the race controller.
  9. Race format shall be decided by the members at the AGM but may be amended by the race controller, dependant on the number of racers present. The race classes applicable on the night will be stated on the race calendar.
  10. The committee may amend the method of racing on the night to suit the number of racers present.
  11. 1/24th Open class will be restricted to Gp12 motors or less. 1/24th Production class - as supplied or balanced 16D motor.
  12. The age limit for unaccompanied juniors 14 years. Children of club members may join from the age of 9 years. At the discretion of the committee a younger junior member may join, subject to them being accompanied at all times by a parent/guardian who will be responsible for their behavior.
  13. Subscription must be paid on the night, under exceptional circumstances (holiday, etc.) a maximum of two weeks arrears will be allowed. Members who are more than two weeks in arrears will not be permitted to score championship points.

© Mark Croston 2002 - 2025   (Page contains images © Craig Rigby :)